Monthly Archives: September 2018

Hypocrite’s Corner – Session One

Come with me, as I reflect on a brief sampling of shame-inducing behaviors. It’ll be fun!

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 25 – Josh B.

Toxic masculinity, vulnerability, empathy, commitment, the triangle, using privilege for good, new father of a son, last of the revolutions?, spreading love, global reckoning, parenting advice, Mr. Rogers, and much, much more…

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 24 – Michelle C.

Growing up in Vegas, Dad’s in a band or two, The Rat Pack & Elvis, 15 year-old girl punk drummer, dust bowl grandpa, Trail of Tears great great grandma, lesbian cab drivers in Tucson, real Las Vegas, meth and the Mint 400, diversifying the next generation of programmers, manipulating consciousness, and much, much more…