Tag Archives: littlemy

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 89 – Matt S. (Pt.2 – special Little My edition)

A condensed history of the Oakland, CA rock band, Little My, as told by one of its founding members, with a few examples of some of their amazing music.

Many thanks to all past and present members of the band, and to all who helped bring some of the most original songs ever produced to the ears of their adoring fans.





© 2020   Justin White   All rights reserved

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 68 – Adam M.

Believing in constructs, flexibility, losing a brother, Missouri to Palo Alto, Discovering drums, the band Little My, fostering creativity, Dungeons and Dragons, illustration, the singularity vs. the human heart, and much more…

OUTSPOKEN – Ep. 61 – Nathaniel P.

The philosophy of messiness, resisting assumed compulsions, communicating through painting, Little My, the accidental child, and much more…